FCSC's Warming House is one of the nation's oldest student-run soup kitchens.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学






FCSC是SBU服务学习的总部. 我们欢迎所有渴望正义与和平的大学社区成员, 尊重生命, 以及对万物的崇敬.

旅程从服务他人开始, but also includes reflecting on that experience in the light of faith, 把它和我们的学习结合起来, and becoming agents for positive change in the Catholic-Franciscan tradition. 我们相信,这样的旅程将改变生活,改变我们的校园,创造一个更美好的世界.


    我们帮助当地社区中有需要的人或遭受某种形式的不公正的人, and join in regional efforts to address social and environmental concerns.

    We help foster a consciousness that focuses on the human and spiritual needs of all people, 这唤起了人们对那些需要帮助的人的同情, 这给人们灌输了一种更大的责任感和纠正错误的紧迫感.

    We help bring about structural changes that lead to a more just society and church. We stand with those struggling to reclaim their dignity or rights, 我们在正义与和平问题上采取公开立场.

  • 方济各社会关怀计划中心




    我们的学生, 校园和社区志愿者提供营养, 友谊和尊严,每一天.

    温室标志变暖的房子 is one of the oldest student-run soup kitchens in the nation.

    1974年,它开始作为孤独成年人的收容中心, and in the early '80s began offering one meal a day to hungry, 无家可归者和弱势群体. 2023年,暖屋提供了23000多份餐点,比五年前增长了300%.

    位于北纬164号的一个大店面. 联盟圣. 在奥利安市中心, 暖屋全年开放6天, and has a support team of more than 300 student volunteers and almost 100 community members.

    联合劝募协会, 暖屋已经成长为一个真正的社区中心,也是林地区居民的宝贵资源, offering services that include a classroom for developmental education and related workshops.

    变暖的房子 offers service and internship opportunities for St. Bonaventure students as it continues its mission to provide nourishment, 给客人友谊和尊严.

    提示五彩纸屑: 参加我们的50周年庆典

    2024年将是暖屋运营50周年,牛津大学将举办一系列特别的周年庆祝活动. 下面给出了事件的工作列表. Please check back often for individual event details and new listings:

    • 6月7号到9号 -校友聚会周末:在校园
    • 9月. 26 -空碗晚餐:在校园
    • 10月 — Francis Week community programming/education focused on food insecurity: on campus
    • 2月. 16 — 与大学校长刘志强博士共赴暖屋生日派对. 杰夫·金格里奇和他的妻子贝琪
    • 1月. 28 -在暖屋为宾客及暖屋协调员/义工举行生日庆祝活动

  • 一名学生和她微笑的好友博纳一起看篮球比赛.



    All children need the friendship, special attention, and interest of an older person. 这些关系往往填补了年轻人生活中的空白,他们需要积极的榜样和经验.

    同意每个月抽出几个小时的时间, 你可以改变一个孩子的生活. It's a great way to get to know others in the community, to help a child, and to have fun.

  • @ spca

    Members of SBU@SPCA participate in weekly trips to the SPCA in Cattaraugus County, 一个非营利性的动物收容所,致力于拯救动物的生命,并为无家可归和被忽视的动物提供收养服务.

    学生们到附近奥利安的收容所遛狗, 和猫玩, 新郎的动物, 协助设施的清洁和维护.

    了解更多关于SBU@SPCA的信息, 联系迈克早稻田, assistant director of the 方济会社会关怀中心: (716) 375-2081 or 电子邮件迈克.


    St. Bonaventure食品储藏室

    SBU食品储藏室成立于2019年10月,此前校园社区意识到,食品不安全是美国各地大学校园的一个问题. 我们储存新鲜和冷冻食品(水果、蔬菜和蛋白质)以及耐货架食品.

    SBU食品储藏室位于方济各事工麦克金利-卡尼中心的113室, 就在校园的中心. All members of the SBU community are welcome to visit daily, 每天吃五种食物. 食品储藏室的时间是下午4点到8点.m. 周一至周四下午4-6点.m. 在周五.
    如果你对食品储藏室有疑问, 联系迈克早稻田, assistant director of the 方济会社会关怀中心: (716) 375-2081 or 电子邮件迈克.


    银狼 & 姐妹之友

    Outreach ministries provide companionship to elderly residents in the Olean area.


    “姐妹之友”始于2018年,是阿勒格尼方济会姐妹会的试点项目. 圣合作. 博纳旺图尔大学的学生和阿勒格尼方济各会的姐妹们允许彼此窥探彼此的生活,并为年轻人提供了与一位信教的女性发展关系的机会. 

    For more information about 银狼 and 姐妹之友, 联系迈克早稻田, assistant director of the 方济会社会关怀中心: (716) 375-2081 or 电子邮件迈克.

    St外的壁画. 费城的弗朗西斯旅店事工


    全球网赌十大网站 community is sometimes referred to as the Bona Bubble, 一个地方, 和任何大学校园一样, 学生感到舒适, 连接, and perhaps somewhat isolated from the rest of the world as they focus on their studies.

    打破泡沫是学生在学期中期和假期离开校园的机会, 学期之间也一样, to participate in service trips to assist disadvantaged and under-represented populations.

  • 服务相关实习 & 奖学金

    学生可以申请罗伯特C. 康罗伊纪念教区实习 or the Mary Yankelovich Endowed Scholarship, awards that allow students to develop their interest in peace, 服务与社会公正.

  • 学生们在校园里举行植树仪式


    作为一个校园社区, we joyfully embrace the challenge to live in "right relationship" with the environment, 彼此之间以及周围的社区.

    • 鼓励各方参与, 通过教学和榜样, to care for and commit to building a more sustainable environment
    • 提高我们的选民对环境和所有生物的脆弱性的意识
    • 庆祝所有创造物的天赋、善良和美丽.
    我们努力将校园对环境的影响降到最低. Our newer facilities incorporate a number of progressive features for conservation. Of course, sustainability is not just about consumption of fossil fuels. We build and maintain our campus with a view toward long-term durability.